Asheville Chiropractor Blog

Back pain relief without surgical care

In this short but informative article below, the author Julie Peters points out how many people think that surgery is often their only choice.  What is not discussed is how study after study has demonstrated the effectiveness of chiropractic care over many other options, without the use of drugs or surgery.  This includes not only…

Your lap top can be a real pain in the neck

Your lap top can be a real pain in the neck

What can I do about this nagging neck pain, headaches, and back pain?”   Sitting with your laptop on top of your lap is often a recipe for neck pain as well as back pain.  The reason for this is that it places your back in a  slouched position while you look down to see…

Hand Bags and Purses: Are you hurting your self?

Dr. Oz addresses this issue and tells how the American Chiropractic Association says you should not carry more then 10% of your body weight. Dr. Oz on the correct way to use handbags and the American ChiropracticAssociations study on proper weight distribution.So there we have it! Don’t forget about your Kids and their book…

High Blood Pressure and Benifits of Chiropractic Care

High Blood Pressure and Benifits of Chiropractic Care

This is a very interesting article citing two journals saying that a specific Chiropractic adjustment showed promise for those suffering from high blood pressure.  This is great news considering the costs of blood pressure medications, as well as the potential side affects that the medications have on some individuals.  Let us know your thoughts on…

Chiropractic Care to All Major VA Medical Centers

The US Military is another step closer to  making chiropractic care available.   I personally suffered needlessly for year with  knee pain as a dependent.   It was not until I discovered chiropractic care over 20 years later that I found my cure. Here is the great hope for those in our military reported from the American…

Cost and Clinical effectiveness of Chiropractic Care

Cost and Clinical effectiveness of Chiropractic Care

Hello everyone…   For years I have had patients ask me if Chiropractic care withstood the tests of science.  I always give the same answer,  a very strong YES!  Below you will find an article that compares the costs and effectiveness of Chiropractic care.  I would have thought that this gets the attention of insurance…