Asheville Chiropractor Blog

Tax Records You Can Throw Away

Spring Cleaning: Tax Records You Can Throw Away This is from my CPA Bill Corbin.  Web site at the bottom of the page. “Spring is a great time to clean out that growing mountain of tax and financial papers that clutters your home and office. Here’s what you need to keep and what you can…

Balancing yourself for Health and Happiness!

Balancing yourself for Health and Happiness!

Healthy Aging When you look at yourself in the mirror next time take a moment to see how you are standing.  Start by standing so you can see your whole body and then close your eyes.  Just stand and notice how well you are able to remain balanced.  Have something close by if you need…

Auto accidents and Injuries

Auto accidents and Injuries

Be safe, not sorry! It is a sad part of life that if you drive a car or ride in one you are likely to be in an auto accident at some time in your life.  If you are in an automobile accident it is also likely that you will sustain what is commonly referred…

Planning your meals for health, wealth, and Happiness!

Meal Planning and Sticking to a Your Shopping List We have all heard about the wisdom of shopping before we go to the grocery store.  The benefits are said to include things like saving money,  weight loss, Keeping us young,  Giving us more energy, saving time, reducing our waste, and even reducing our waste.  That…

Finding love, Health and Happiness

As a Chiropractor in Asheville I get to meet a lot of people.  One of the most common things I hear from people is that they wish they could find love in their life.  It is amazing how many people as sad and lonely in their lives.  Then I can not help to notice many…

Healthy Teeth Naturally

Some Basics of Holistic Dentistry I got this from Dr. Mercola’s site.  It is good information with the only thing that I would change.  With his number 4.   I would recommend a shower, Floss.  It is not better than the Water Pik it is just much easier and more likely to be used.  It…