Asheville Chiropractor Blog
Proper Stretching Technique
Proper Stretching Technique It is essential to practice proper stretching techniques. Doing so will allow you to avoid any unnecessary injury. The one aspect that must be included is that they only work if you do them and do them on a fairly consistent basis. Warm up first There is a saying that even you can even…
Benefits of Stretching
The Benefits of Stretching One of the most consistent health improvement tools that we give our patients at Chiropractic Family Practice is specific and generalized stretches for health and healing. Over 20 years of caring for patients we have found that if we can get patients to loosen up the tight muscles and…
Whiplash Prevention
This is the most informative article that I could find on the proper use of your car’s head restraints. This can protect your neck from the potentially serious whiplash phenomenon “If you’ve ever been involved in an automobile accident, you more than likely know the feeling of waking up the next day with a nagging soreness…
How to handle stress
Stress clouds our thoughts disrupt our sleep and cause poor judgment in multiple areas of our lives. It can lead to overeating, weight problems, obesity, high blood pressure, headaches, digestive issues, and a host of other physical and mental issues. This in turn can lead to our being less productive which can end up in a vicious…
I had a auto accident, Now what?
Auto accidents are an unfortunate part of many individuals’ lives. It is often said “It is not if but a when” with auto accidents. So many factors are now working against us when we are involved in an auto accident. Things like the shock of getting in an accident. The fact that it is not…
Prescription drug use Dangers
“Insane Drug Use Statistics and the Danger of Polypharmacy There’s no doubt that the US has been manipulated into a nation of drug users. In just a ten-year span, from 1992 to 2002, the number of prescriptions written increased by a whopping 61 percent. And in that same period, the number of prescriptions written for…