Auto accidents cause chronic widespread pain

Auto Accidents are found to cause chronic widespread pain in Asheville NC

The May 2011  journal called Arthritis Care & Research a peer-reviewed journal of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), found that the onset of chronic pain was more often reported following a traffic accident than from other physically traumatic triggers.  These accidents are often referred to as motor vehicle accidents (MVA)

The Journal article defines chronic widespread pain as the presence of pain above and below the waist, or on both the left and right sides of the body, for three months or longer.    Road Traffic Accidents are often predictive of future Chronic Widespread Pain.  This cohort study took place following  2069 participants from the Epidemiology of Functional Disorders (EPIFUND). It considered patients who had a recent experience with six physically traumatic events-traffic accidents, workplace injuries, surgery, fracture, hospitalization, and childbirth.  These individuals were followed over a four-year period and those who reported a traffic accident experienced an 84% increase in the likelihood of new-onset chronic widespread pain.  This was not observed with the other 5 types of traumas hospitalization, surgery, or in women who gave birth.

Why choose chiropractic care in Asheville NC?

In my Asheville NC Chiropractic office, we have been treating auto accident victims for over 20 years.  We use advanced diagnostic tools such as Thermography and dynamic motion testing to determine hidden truamatic injuries which could go undetected if these tests were not done.

If you have been involved in a motor vehicular accident you very well may be set up for future Chronic and widespread pain.  Whiplash is the most commonly reported injury

Call our office for a consultation at (828) 299-4555. We are located at 16 Winterwind Dr. 28803.

What you don't know can hurt you!  Till next time, our Asheville Chiropractor Dr. Mathew K. Stockstad.


7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm

10:00am - 12:30pm

7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm

7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm


Saturday & Sunday

Asheville Chiropractor

16 Winterwind Dr
Asheville, NC 28803

(828) 299-4555